Homeopathy Heals Course


Described as ‘life changing’ by its attendees, this online self paced course teaches you everything you need to know to start using homeopathy at home! Its core objective is to teach you HOW to prescribe. Once you understand the fundamentals of homeopathy you can become confident in treating common short-term health issues yourself.

It explores:
– what is health & disease
– suppression and how homeopathy stimulates self healing
– homeopathic principles including like cures like, the minimum dose, the law of cure
– how remedies are made
– potency
– how to dose & when to repeat
– how to choose a remedy with Homeopathy HEALS
– fever management
– the top remedies for acute health issues
– the top remedies for emergencies
– how to make your own remedies using medicating potencies.

The course consists of video lessons, slides, and guides on dosing, remedies and top acute homeopathy remedies plus more.

*Once purchased you have lifetime access to the course content.

CLICK HERE to purchase and use discount code TWF20 for 20% off all courses including Homeopathy Heals.


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